donation service

donation service

If our projects have convinced you donate today!
Even the smallest donation helps to alleviate the poverty in the Third World.

Donation for projects of The Life to Share e.V. to:

Banking:              Sparkasse Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen
Recipient:    The Life to Share e.V.
IBAN:              DE27 7005 4306 0011 6299 12
BIC:                 BYLADEM1WOR

Of course you will get immediately a tax-deductible receipt.


Frequently asked questions

Despite all details tehre are still some questions you like ro ask? Here are the answers of many of them.


Donation receipt

Immediately after the incoming donation you will get a donation receip which is tax deductable


Press & Publications

Fort he friends and supporters of The Life to Share we have not only this homepage but a series of publications (in german language). They can be ordered in the office of the association. Of the flyers you can get some copies to share this with your friends.



If you will come in direct contact with us